Is there an easy way to parse the user's HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE and set the locale in PHP?


I know the Zend framework has a method to do this, but I'd rather not install the whole framework just to use that one bit of functionality.


The PEAR I18Nv2 package is in beta and hasn't been changed for almost three years, so I'd rather not use that if possible.

PEAR I18Nv2软件包处于测试阶段,并且近三年没有改变,所以如果可能的话我宁愿不使用它。

Also nice would be if it could figure out if the server was running on Windows or not, since Windows's locale strings are different from the rest of the world's... (German is "deu" or "german" instead of "de".)

如果它可以判断服务器是否在Windows上运行,那也很好,因为Windows的语言环境字符串与世界其他地方不同......(德语是“deu”或“german”而不是“de”。 )

4 个解决方案



Nice solution is on its way.


Without that you'll need to parse that header. It's a comma-separated list of semicolon-separated locales and attributes.


It can look like this:


en_US, en;q=0.8, fr_CA;q=0.2, *;q=0.1

and then try each locale until setlocale() accepts it. Be prepared that none of them may match.


Don't base on it anything too important or allow users to override it, because some users may have misconfigured browsers.


For Windows locale, perhaps you need to convert ISO 639-1 names to ISO 639-2/3?

对于Windows语言环境,您可能需要将ISO 639-1名称转换为ISO 639-2 / 3吗?


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