I have an array with 30k items, and implode returns nothing. No error message, no memory problems, just nothing.


If I use array_slice and slice the array to 100 items, it works fine. It also works for 7k array, but not for this one.


However, in another topic I found this code, which works just fine:


$arr = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 50000; $i++) {
$arr[] = str_shuffle('This sentance is of average length, which The Internet says is  aboout 14.2 words.'); 
echo implode(PHP_EOL, $arr);

But with PHP_EOL I can't use that in my select, the string needs to be seperated by ','.


So I have two questions: is there any way to make this work and how can I catch this error? Because testing the implode output does not work, is_null, strlen, is_string, empty, isset, all these tests fail.

所以我有两个问题:有没有什么方法可以让这个工作,我怎样才能抓住这个错误?因为测试内爆输出不工作,is_null, strlen, is_string,空,isset,所有这些测试都失败了。

1 个解决方案



EDIT: Facepalm moment after writing this answer that adding a for loop to make ? marks doesn't seem any better than just using it to output the data. Anyway I suppose you could try


 $questionMarks =implode(',',array_fill(0,sizeof($myarray),'?'));

and see if that has more luck for you.


You can use parametrized queries to circumvent your issue.



$db = new PDO(...);

//$myarray is some random sized php array of potential myid values

//check to see if runtime is acceptible for your applicaition
for ($i = 0; sizeof($myarray); $i++)

/* you could try implode(',',array_fill(0,sizeof($myarray),'?')) but as you said implode might not work */

$sql = 'select myfield from mytable where myid in ('.$questionMarks.')';
$sth = $db->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY));
if (!$sth) {
    echo "\nPDO::errorInfo():\n";


while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
   echo $row['myfield']  . "<br />";


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