First off, I don't mean google image search!


I would like to give users the ability to select a hex color value and then have a search programatically return (from specified sites/directories online) images where the dominant color is the color they specified (or close to it).


Is there a technology that can do this? I'd prefer PHP/MySQL, but I'd be willing to use other languages if it would be simpler.

有技术可以做到这一点吗?我更喜欢PHP / MySQL,但如果它更简单,我愿意使用其他语言。


Taking several suggestions, I managed to find this: which does a decent job at extracting the most common colors from the image.


The next step is calculating distance from the extracted colors to the color being searched for. I have no issue implementing it except I'm unclear on the best way to calculate the color distance?


I've scoured this site and google for a concrete answer, but come up dry. The tool above extracts colors into hex color codes. I am currently converting this to RGB and using those.


Should I attempt to convert RGB to Y'UV? I'm attempting that by using:


sqrt(((r - r1) * .299)^2 + ((g - g1) * .587)^2 + ((b - b1) * .114)^2)

sqrt(((r - r1)* .299)^ 2 +((g - g1)* .587)^ 2 +((b - b1)* .114)^ 2)

(based on an answer here: RGB to closest predefined color)


It's not very accurate. What should I swap that color distance formula with so it calculates accurate color distance (to the human eye)?


2 个解决方案



Interesting. The first problem is: "What is the dominant colour of an image?" Maybe the one most pixels have. What do you do with similar shades of the same colour? Would you cluster around similar colours?


I would implement it this way: Grab all images inside your search paths. Cluster the colors used in each of them and the biggest cluster is the dominant color. You will have to play around a bit with cluster sizes and number of clusters. If this color is within a certain range of hue, saturation and brightness of your searched color it is a match.



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