I have a php page that gets values from my database called print.php which I use to display and print the values from my database.


print.php?id=100 loads the page with values from the database that has the id 100. each record on my database has a field to store the date the record was created. As for now I visit print.php?id=100, print.php?id=101, print.php?id=102, print.php?id=103 and so on to print the same page but with various values.

print.php?id = 100使用ID为100的数据库中的值加载页面。我的数据库中的每个记录都有一个字段来存储创建记录的日期。至于现在我访问print.php?id = 100,print.php?id = 101,print.php?id = 102,print.php?id = 103等等,以打印相同的页面但具有各种值。

Is there a way for me to create a button which does this automatically?


This button should grab all records that have the current date and print all those pages.


Sorry for being unclear.


My print.php page echos values from my database like this: Id: <?php echo $info['id']; ?> Name: <?php echo $info['name']; ?> Date: <?php echo $info['date']; ?> Gender: <?php echo $info['gender']; ?>

我的print.php页面回显了我的数据库中的值,如下所示:Id: 名称: 日期:

So for example visiting print.php?id=100 loads these values: Id: 100 Name: John Date: 2013-04-09 Gender: Male

所以例如访问print.php?id = 100加载这些值:Id:100姓名:John日期:2013-04-09性别:男

Cisiting print.php?id=101 loads these values: Id: 101 Name: Sarah Date: 2013-04-09 Gender: Female

Cisiting print.php?id = 101加载这些值:Id:101姓名:Sarah日期:2013-04-09性别:女

and so on.


When visiting each page I hit CTRL+P to print that information.

访问每个页面时,我按CTRL + P打印该信息。

Instead of doing this manually (visiting each page and sending it to printer) I would like to have a script which grabs all the records of current date and sends it to my printer.


2 个解决方案



I'm not sure what you want to archieve, but I think you want a form like this:


<form method="get" action="">
    <input type="text" name="id" value="100"/>
    <input type="submit"/>

this would redirect the user to print.php?id=100 or with the value given in the textbox

这会将用户重定向到print.php?id = 100或文本框中给出的值


What I read from the comments on the question is this what you want to archieve:


<form method="get" action="">
    <input type="text" name="date" value="<?=date('yyyy-mm-dd');?>"/>
    <input type="submit"/>

this would show a form with a textfield with the date of today printed in.


then you should make a query and fetch it like this:


$date = check_date($_GET['date']);
$query = 'SELECT * FROM values WHERE date="'.$date.'"';
if ($result = $mysqli->query($query)) {
    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        // print row

the function check_date() is up to you to create, this checks if the text is a valid date to make sure nobody can hack your database



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