I have a problem with variables. I have a website using only Jquery which means that that I use #p1, #p02, ..., to navigate from one page to another.


I made an Ajax call which prints an id that I need in order to view my content. This id is printed in a div. The problem is that when I store the div in a variable like this:


    $variable="<div class='something'></div>"; 

I can echo the variable but CAN'T use it in order to make queries. I know this is but programming but if I use sessions instead the identity didn't updated at all from page to page because of the using of #p01 instead of p1.php.


I also added the ajax.js file if this help you in order to advise me. The ajax.js file sends an identity to Ajax_page.php then I store this $_POST variable in a SESSION and then I echo this varible in Ajax_page.php. When i echo this variable it also printed in the div which is in the Show_content_page.php. I want the contents of that div. I want to use this div contents(identity) in order to make my php queries. Thats all.

我还添加了ajax.js文件,如果这有助于你建议我。 ajax.js文件向Ajax_page.php发送一个标识然后我将这个$ _POST变量存储在一个SESSION中,然后我在Ajax_page.php中回显这个变量。当我回显这个变量时,它也会打印在Show_content_page.php中的div中。我想要那个div的内容。我想使用这个div内容(标识)来进行我的php查询。就这样。

Is there any way to make the $variable useful?


Here are the to sample files



    if(!empty($_POST['show_an_anetoix'])  ){
    echo $_SESSION['anetoix_id'];


    <div id="p1" >
    $variable="<div class='something'></div>"; 
    echo $variable; //no problem
    function_test($variable); //problem

The ajax.js

/* Pass data with changePage */
$(document).on("pageinit", "#p1", function () {
    $(document).on('click', '.anetoix_class', function(){   
            $.mobile.pageContainer.pagecontainer("change", "#p02", {
            stuff: this.id,
            transition: "flip"

/* retrieve data and run function to add elements */
$(document).on("pagebeforechange", function (e, data) {
    if (data.toPage[0].id == "p02") {
        var stuff = data.options.stuff;   
        var data = {"show_an_anetoix": stuff,};

 type: "POST",  
 url: "../show_an_anetoix.php",
 data: data,
      success: function(response) 

1 个解决方案



Not 100% sure what you mean. Are you asking, can you use a PHP variable in ajax? If so, I would do something like this:



$ajax_variable = "<?php echo $php_variable; ?>";



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