I've built a simple hangouts application that notifies me when someone launches a hangout from on my webpage - outside of Google plus.


I'm at the stage where I've called my server side script that notifies me that a new user has initiated a hangout and I need to pass a message back to the hangout to display an updated prompt to the users. Something along the lines of - A support engineer has been alerted to this hangout and will be with you shortly.


I've read in the hangout data, including who has joined from the hangouts api and passed this to my server side code no problems. But I'm not sure how I pass information back to my hangout app via its ajax request.

我已经阅读了hangout数据,包括谁加入了hangouts api并将它传递给了我的服务器端代码,没有问题。但我不确定如何通过ajax请求将信息传回hangout应用程序。

Here's my ajax request using jQuery.


var hangoutUrl = gapi.hangout.getHangoutUrl();
var personsInHangout = gapi.hangout.getParticipants();

var callbackUrl = 'http://styxofdynamite.bitnamiapp.com/notify.php?';

    url: callbackUrl,
    dataType: 'text',
    data: {
        "personsInHangout" : personsInHangout,
        "hangoutUrl" : hangoutUrl,
        "topic" : params['gd'],
}).done( function(data, status, xhr){
    //call was made process result
}).fail( function(xhr, status, error){
    $('.msg').html("There was a problem contacting the server. (" + status + ")");

At the moment I'm not returning anything so I'm happily hitting the .fail()ideally I need to return something from notify.php back to this hangout application.


Sever side snippet:


$personsInHangout = $_GET['personsInHangout'];
$hangoutUrl = $_GET['hangoutUrl'];
$topic = $_GET['topic'];

$emailMessage = 'Hey Support Team, ';

for($i = 0, $size = count($personsInHangout); $i < $size; ++$i) {
    $emailMessage .= $personsInHangout[$i]['person']['displayName'];
    $emailMessage .= ' is currently waiting in the support ';
    $emailMessage .= '<a href="'.$hangoutUrl.'">hangout</a>';
    $emailMessage .= ' to discuss ' . $topic;

print $emailMessage;

$to      = 'support@team.com';
$subject = 'New Hangout Request';
$headers = 'From: hangout.monitor@team.com' . "\r\n" .
'Reply-To: hangout.monitor@team.com' . "\r\n" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();

mail($to, $subject, $emailMessage, $headers);

//return something to say that a support engineer has been notified.

3 个解决方案



Use php's built in json_encode docs to send back a JSON formatted response. You will also need to send some headers in addition to the data.


// This tells the browser the following data should be interpreted as JSON, as opposed to text or html
header('Content-Type: application/json');
// Take any $data and format it correctly as JSON.  Works with arrays, strings, numbers
echo json_encode($data);



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