I was running the following PHP code:



There were no parse errors and the output was "?>" (example).


In similar cases I do get a parse error:



Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in ...


Why doesn't <?php </script> ?> give the same error?

为什么不< ?php ?> ?

2 个解决方案



This must be because there are various ways of starting a block of PHP code:


  • <? ... ?> (known as short_open_tag)

    < ?…? >(称为short_open_tag)

  • <?php ... ?> (the standard really)

    < ?php……? >(标准真的)

  • <script language="php"> ... </script> (not recommended)

    < =“php脚本语言>…< /脚本>(不推荐)

  • <% ... %> (deprecated and removed ASP-style tag after 5.3.0)

    < %……%>(在5.3.0之后弃用和移除asp样式的标签)

Apparently, you can open a PHP block one way, and close it the other. Didn't know that.


So in your code, you opened the block using <? but PHP recognizes </script> as the closer. What happened was:

在你的代码中,你使用 更接近。发生了什么是:

<?php       <----- START PHP
</script>   <----- END PHP
?>          <----- JUST GARBAGE IN THE HTML


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