I need the names of the day (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thuesday, Friday, Saturday, Today).


I know this is a newby question and PHP has a date() function. But I tried and can't figure out how...


2 个解决方案



According to the PHP Manual at http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php, just use "l" as the format parameter to get the full name of the day.


So 23rd Mar 2014 is a Sunday, as echoed by


echo date ("l", mktime(0, 0, 0, 3, 23, 2014));
// Echoes Sunday

To get past 7, 6, 5 or 10000 days (or number of days in the future) from the current day, according the information at this page, just use negative or positive integers in a string in the strtotime function:


$backcount = -4;
echo date ("l", strtotime("$backcount day"));
// Executed on 23 Mar 2014 will give Wednesday

Knowing this, you can apply a for loop to get what you need. And if want "Today" instead of the full name of the current day, just add an if condition to handle the situation where the backcount variable is zero.



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