I have a code something like this:


$file = fopen( "debug.txt", "w" );
$command = "myExe.exe param0 param1";
fprintf( $file, "starting\r\n" );
fflush( $file );
system( $command );
fprintf( $file, "the end...\r\n" );
fflush( $file );

It prints "starting" but not "the end...". The system() function hangs.

它打印“开始”但不打印“结束......”。 system()函数挂起。

The myExe.exe is an applicatication written in C++, which actually terminates; i.e. the main function of myExe ends with a code like this:

myExe.exe是一个用C ++编写的应用程序,它实际上终止了;即myExe的主要功能以这样的代码结束:

FILE* f = fopen( "test.txt", "w" );
return 0;

test.txt is created, which means "myExe.exe" works and finishes normally.


That problem does not occur each time we call the php file; sometimes hangs, sometimes works...


Any help&idea will be appriciated. Thanks in advance.


info; OS: win xp php server: wamp server 2.0

信息; OS:win xp php server:wamp server 2.0

edit: my problem is not about my debug files. It is about system() or exec() functions. I can remove all other lines.


my php script works well for about 4/5 tries. After system() called, i call some sql functions but when system() hangs, my page will give a fatal error.


4 个解决方案



There is a known bug in php on windows (http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=44942).
There is a workaround you may want to try, close the session (call session_write_close() ) before calling the exec function.



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