i did see a couple of similar threads, but later they turned out to be different issues...mine seems a browser specific problem surely because my datepicker works fine in Firefox, but certainly not in IE8. Here is my original problem and the source code


I updated my datepicker to jQuery UI Datepicker 1.8.11...still it just doesn't work in IE 8! The date-picker pops up just fine, but no event fires from it. I mean no click...nothing happens...

我将我的datepicker更新为jQuery UI Datepicker 1.8.11 ...但它仍然无法在IE 8中运行!弹出日期选择器就好了,但没有事件发生。我是说没有点击......没有任何反应......

Any ideas?


6 个解决方案



Hey I don't know if you have solved that problem yet, however the problem is with any added attributes. Especially if you are using:


yearRange: '-100:+10'

for example ...

例如 ...

This is how you resolve the issue: copied from http://satish.name/?p=19


jQuery datepicker adds a new attribute to the DOM element in IE. if you try to add a new DOM element dynamically copying from an existing element the datepicker will not work in IE as the newly added DOM element refers to the old jQuery attribute. One way to fix this is to delete the attribute and then instantiate the datepicker class on the element. See the following code for the fix.

jQuery datepicker在IE中为DOM元素添加了一个新属性。如果您尝试从现有元素动态复制添加新DOM元素,则datepicker将无法在IE中工作,因为新添加的DOM元素引用旧的jQuery属性。解决此问题的一种方法是删除属性,然后在元素上实例化datepicker类。请参阅以下代码以获取此修复程序。

//newDiv is the new added dom element with innerHTML
jQuery("#newDiv").find(".datePicker").each(function() {
    //removing jquery added attribute as this is causing the dynamically
    // added DOM elem referring old DOM element from it is copied.
    if (jQuery.browser.msie) {
        var jqaddedattr;
        jQuery(this.attributes).each(function() {
            if (this.name.search(/jQuery/) != -1) {
                jqaddedattr = this;
        if (jqaddedattr) {
    jQuery(this).datepicker({yearRange: '-100:+10', changeFirstDay:false}).val("").trigger('change');




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