I have a simmple HTML table that I just cant seem to fix.


I am trying to display data like so:


                                  <-Previous Next->
                              51 to 100 of 10151 records

Below is the html code. I have taken out the dynamic language part that adds 'Previous' depending on what page the user is on:


EDIT: After all the responses I've changed the code to following. but still alignment is the same. >_<

编辑:在所有响应后,我已将代码更改为以下。但仍然对齐是一样的。 > _ <

<table width="100%" border="0">
    <tr align="center">
       <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center" colspan="2">
       <!--some form elements go here!-->
       <!--I just replaced tags with some text for testing-->
       <font face="Arial" size="2"><strong>Previous</strong></font>
       <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center" colspan="2">
    <tr align="center">
       <td align="center"><font face="arial" size="2"><b>51 to 100 of 10151</b> </font>

Expected output is above but what I am getting from the code is:


                 Previous            Next Group   
         51 to 100 of 10151 Households  

I have been doing trial and error for quite some time now so need some help!


9 个解决方案


Why do you need table cells for both the Previous and Next text? Why not just put them in the same <td>?


<table width="100%" border="0">
    <tr align="center">
      <td bgcolor="#ffffff" color="white" align="center" colspan="2">
        Previous Next
    <tr align="center">
      <td align="center"><font face="arial" size="2"><b>51 to 100 of 10151</b></font></td>

Did I miss a requirement?



  1. 9.1.4 前端 - HTML body标签 - 标题,段落,分割线,换行,特殊符号,列
  2. Server.Htmlencode用于文本域显示带的html代码
  3. IOS学习之WebView加载本地HTML代码或网络资源
  4. html5 css3 背景视频循环播放代码
  5. HTML5 标签audio添加网页背景音乐代码
  6. 21个新奇漂亮的Ajax/CSS表格设计
  7. 我无法理解为什么我的代码中的单击选择文本
  8. js字符串与html代码互相转换时怪想法:自己解析js字符串成普通字
  9. 解决FCKEditor编辑器在浏览器返回时显示html源代码的问题


  1. [置顶] Android中以JAR形式封装控件或者
  2. 管理应用自启动的方案
  3. Android编译环境(2) - 手工编译C模块
  4. 学习android的布局
  5. Android入门教程 (二) 第一个App HelloWorl
  6. android实现应用程序的开机自启动
  7. android性能之一:内存泄露、内存溢出的区
  8. Android Studio之软件安装教程
  9. Android(安卓)-BLE蓝牙小DEMO
  10. android之通过phoneStateListener监听电