Hello people here is my code below...


var total = 0;
var find_total;
 function total_val(find_total){

$(find_total).each(function() {
    total += parseInt($(this).text());
    return total;


Iam calling this function...



#total_price and .price keeps changing for different div ids and class ... return total; does not work, any ways to fix this??

#total_price和.price不断更改不同的div id和class ... return total;不起作用,任何解决方法?

2 个解决方案



You are returning the total value inside the .each() function, it would not return anything while we expecting a value from the function total_val(),



function total_val(find_total){ 
   var total = 0; //remove the global variable total and use this.
   $(find_total).each(function() {
    total += parseInt($(this).text());
   return total;

or you could use .reduce() to make your code simple.


function total_val(find_total){ 
   return $(find_total).map(function() {
   return parseInt($(this).text());
   return a+b;

Even simpler,

function total_val(find_total){ 
   return $(find_total).get().reduce(function(a,b){
      return a+ parseInt($(b).text(),10);


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