I'm developing a Wordpress site for a client. He wants to recommend certain products on his site. I have the products listed and linked to amazon, but every time the link is clicked on iOS, the link opens the Amazon App (which is fine) but then directs right back to Safari, opening the link in a new window.


My goal is to have the link open in the Amazon app and stay there without redirecting back to Safari.


NOTE: these are not Amazon Affiliate Links, they are standard amazon links.

注意:这些不是Amazon Affiliate Links,它们是标准的亚马逊链接。

The site is https://financialchamps.com/shop/


Thank you for your help!


1 个解决方案



This is just a guess, but I noticed that the links had a target="_blank" attribute on them. Try unchecking Open Link In New Tab in the WordPress editor and see if it works as expected. Otherwise it is most likely a bug with iOS or Amazon.

这只是猜测,但我注意到链接上有一个target =“_ blank”属性。尝试在WordPress编辑器中取消选中“在新标签中打开链接”,看看它是否按预期工作。否则,它很可能是iOS或亚马逊的错误。


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