I am using Zend_Db_Adapter, specifically Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract. I would imagine that this issue extends to other adapters as well. When a PDOException is thrown, it is 'uncaught', and in many instances, the stack trace reveals the username and password.


I have verified that the following PDO exceptions all show the credentials in the stack trace:


  • SQLSTATE[HY000] [2005] Unknown MySQL server host ...snip...
  • SQLSTATE[HY000][2005]未知的MySQL服务器主机…
  • SQLSTATE[HY000] [2013] Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading authorization packet'
  • SQLSTATE[HY000][2013]在读取授权包时与MySQL服务器失去连接
  • SQLSTATE[08004] [1040] Too many connections
  • SQLSTATE[08004][1040]连接太多
  • SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user ...snip... (using password: YES)
  • SQLSTATE[28000][1045]用户访问被拒绝…(使用密码:是的)

My production sites don't show stack traces when there are errors, and I still want to see stack traces for these errors on my development environments, I just don't want the usernames and passwords to be displayed in the clear.


2 个解决方案



I would solve this by not solving it... Let me explain:


There's currently no way to disable stack traces from uncaught exceptions. PHP doesn't let you do that.


So, rather than try to disable it, I'd simply not let an exception go uncaught... I'd install an exception handler which would then log the back-trace information. I wouldn't display it on the screen. I wouldn't check which environment it's in. I wouldn't check request information. I would just log it to a file, and display a generic 500 server error page.


Now, in your handler, you can selectively show call information, so you can choose whether or not to log argument info:


set_exception_handler(function($exception) {
    $log = array(
        'message' => $exception->getMessage(),
        'trace' => array(),
    foreach ($exception->getTrace() as $item) {
        $trace = isset($item['class']) ? $item['class'] . $item['type'] : '';
        $trace .= $item['function'] . '()';
        $log['trace'][] = $trace;

But I take an uncaught exception as a sign of a bug in your application. You should find them and fix them. If you get them enough that you're worried about presenting the arguments in the page, then you really need to fix the fact that there are uncaught exceptions in the first place...


Edit Here's a demonstration of what happens:


class Foo {
    public function doSomething($user, $password) {
        throw new Exception('Something Went Wrong!');

$f = new Foo();

$f->doSomething('user', 'passw');

on CodePad results in:


<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Something Went Wrong!' in /code/MxH9Ls:4
Stack trace:
#0 /code/MxH9Ls(10): Foo-&gt;doSomething('user', 'passw')
#1 {main}
  thrown in <b>/code/MxH9Ls</b> on line <b>4</b><br />

But, with the exception handler (modified to print instead of log):


set_exception_handler(function($exception) {
    $log = array(
        'message' => $exception->getMessage(),
        'trace' => array(),
    foreach ($exception->getTrace() as $item) {
        $trace = isset($item['class']) ? $item['class'] . $item['type'] : '';
        $trace .= $item['function'] . '()';
        $log['trace'][] = $trace;
    echo $log['message'] . "\n";
    foreach ($log['trace'] as $trace) {
        echo " - $trace\n";

class Foo {
    public function doSomething($user, $password) {
        throw new Exception('Something Went Wrong!');

$f = new Foo();

$f->doSomething('user', 'passw');

On CodePad produces:


Something Went Wrong!
 - Foo->doSomething()


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