How to test an ajax call using phpunit test case ?


1 个解决方案



Depending on how your ajax response is generated, this may be easy or more difficult. If you use a controller to generate the response, you can simply call the appropriate function in the unit test and check the returned HTML/XML. For example, if responses are generated by calling functions on a controller object like this:

根据您的ajax响应的生成方式,这可能很容易或更困难。如果使用控制器生成响应,则只需在单元测试中调用相应的函数并检查返回的HTML / XML。例如,如果通过调用控制器对象上的函数生成响应,如下所示:

$htmlResponse = $controller->buildPage($_REQUEST);

then you can unit test the response like this:


$expected = "<html>whatever html you expect</html>";
$test_request = array(...); // parameters to test
$actual = $controller->buildPage($test_request);

$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);

If your response isn't generated with a function call like that - if your AJAX request is for an actual page with some dynamic content in it, seems like you could do something like this:

如果您的响应不是通过类似函数调用生成的 - 如果您的AJAX请求是针对包含某些动态内容的实际页面,那么您似乎可以执行以下操作:

$_POST['parameter1'] = "test value";  // stuff whichever request object you're using
                                      // with the values you need
$actual = ob_get_clean();
$expected = "<html>expected html as above</html>";

$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);

PHPUnit also provides the assertTag assertion for testing that generated HTML and XML contains the tags you expect - it can be a little finicky but it's more robust than just echoing out the response and comparing to a string.

PHPUnit还提供了assertTag断言,用于测试生成的HTML和XML包含您期望的标记 - 它可能有点挑剔,但它比回显响应和比较字符串更强大。

Ultimately, all you want to know is that, given a certain input (the request parameters), you get the output you expect (the returned HTML or XML). The fact that it's an AJAX call doesn't fundamentally alter the equation. If you wanted to test that the AJAX requests are being MADE appropriately, you'd want to do that on the client side with JS testing.



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