I have a very simple rating system in my database where each rating is stored as an enum('1','-1'). To calculate the total I tried using this statement:

我的数据库中有一个非常简单的评级系统,其中每个评级都存储为枚举('1',' - 1')。要计算我尝试使用此语句的总数:

SELECT SUM(CONVERT(rating, SIGNED)) as value from table WHERE _id = 1

This works fine for the positive 1 but for some reason the -1 are parsed out to 2's.


Can anyone help or offer incite?


Or should I give up and just change the column to a SIGNED INT(1)?

或者我应该放弃并将列更改为SIGNED INT(1)?

5 个解决方案



Yes, I'd suggest to change the type of the column. The issue becomes clear when you read the doc about enum type (which strongly recommends not to use numbers as enumeration values!) - the index of the enum item is returned, not the enum value itself.

是的,我建议更改列的类型。当您阅读有关枚举类型的文档(强烈建议不使用数字作为枚举值!)时,问题就变得清晰了 - 返回枚举项的索引,而不是枚举值本身。


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