I have a mySql database that contains a table have which four fields Id(primary key & auto increment), Node, Distance,pressure.


ID      Node    Distance    Pressure 
001     15       320        45
002     16       420        41
003     17       520        45
10000    256     1245        1542

The problem is that, if you want to insert a new record then the New record's ID become 10001 but I want to insert a New Record Between two records. for ex: i need to insert a new record between 001 and 002 here is the problem. I need the New record's ID as 002. currently I am solving this problem by updating tables .But it is not feasible for large number of records.


2 个解决方案



I don't think you can Insert a Row if ID is an auto-increment equivalent to Identity column, Considering SQL Server

如果ID是一个等同于Identity列的自动增量,我认为你不能插入一行,考虑SQL Server

Update: Also in Mysql


Auto-Increment in MySQL we can't insert Row if ID is and auto-increment.


Thanks Mahmoud Gamal

感谢Mahmoud Gamal


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