I am about to develop a wall for a users-profile. It basically works the same way as Facebooks comment/like system.


So what I want to do is fetch all wall-posts associated with a users profile (by current id variable) and all comments and likes associated with this specific post. I want to use user data from both comments and likes (ie.: name, user_id, email, whatever).


So the question is: Is it possible?


According to this thread's answer it is not: Fetch all news and all comments


According to this thread it is: mysql/php: show posts and for each post all comments

根据这个帖子它是:mysql / php:显示帖子和每个帖子的所有评论

I have tried working with this code but it doesn't seem to work, as it just fetches all comments from DB.


SELECT p.*, c.*, l.*, u.name as post_author, u2.name as comment_author, u3.user_id
FROM edu_wall p
LEFT JOIN edu_comments c ON c.comment_entity = p.post_id
LEFT JOIN edu_likes l ON l.like_entity = p.post_id
LEFT JOIN edu_users u ON u.user_id = p.post_author
LEFT JOIN edu_users u2 ON u2.user_id = c.comment_author
LEFT JOIN edu_users u3 ON u3.user_id = l.like_author

So what is the solution? Should I start up by fetching all wall posts, and then inside that while(), loop comments and likes? It just seems like a very complex and resource-intensive solution.


Thanks in advance!


2 个解决方案



This is certainly possible in a single query.


Without knowing your table layouts and what fields you want to use I can't really give any suggested code at the moment.


However the issue is that a single wall post will have numerous comments and numerous likes. You current SQL would bring back one row for every combination of comment and like for each wall post. So if a wall post had 2 comments and 2 likes that would result in 4 rows.


You can get round this a couple of ways. Either make sure you have an order clause on the SELECT and then manually in php process each row and decide if the comment or like is a new one for that wall post. If so process it and if not ignore it.


Alternatively you can use aggregate functions, such as GROUP_CONCAT, to bring back the fields you want in one row. Then explode them out in php. Sql something like this:-

或者,您可以使用聚合函数(例如GROUP_CONCAT)在一行中恢复所需的字段。然后在php中爆炸它们。这样的Sql: -

SELECT p.*, u.name as post_author, GROUP_CONCAT(u2.name SEPARATOR '#') as comment_authors, GROUP_CONCAT(u3.user_id SEPARATOR '#') as post_likers
FROM edu_wall p
LEFT JOIN edu_comments c ON c.comment_entity = p.post_id
LEFT JOIN edu_likes l ON l.like_entity = p.post_id
LEFT JOIN edu_users u ON u.user_id = p.post_author
LEFT JOIN edu_users u2 ON u2.user_id = c.comment_author
LEFT JOIN edu_users u3 ON u3.user_id = l.like_author
WHERE p.id = $SomeWallId


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