I have the following two tables:


        Table A
|    3     |  a     |
|    4     |  b     |
|    5     |  c     |

        Table B
|    1     |        |
|    4     |        |
|    5     |        |

My job is to take user from Table A (and their correspondings value) and then map it to Table B and insert those values in there. So from the above example Table B should look like this after running the script:


        Table B
|    1     |        |
|    4     |  b     |
|    5     |  c     |

My question is how can I construct an SQL query that will do this for me in an efficient way, if Table A contains 300,000 + entries and Table B contains 70,000 entries?


NOTES: In Table A the User field is not unique and neither is the Value field. However in Table B, both the User and Value fields are unique and should not appear more than once. Neither are primary keys for either tables.


3 个解决方案



Could be this


update table_b as b 
inner join table_a as a on a.User = b.User
set b.value = a.value 


  1. 在时间戳和相应的值中选择每天的最后一个条目。
  2. 保持最新的一个字段值,直到它发生变化,然后保持其最新的字段值
  3. 替换wordpress WP_POSTS表中post_date字段的年份(4位数)
  4. 如何以varchar字段为编号?
  5. 常见几种数据库中自增字段的设置方法(转)
  6. 如何使用jQuery将输入值插入更多填充的字段?
  7. HTML Select字段通过ajax调用Web服务
  8. 阻止用户在表单字段中输入
  9. CORS错误:请求标头字段预检响应中的Access-Control-Allow-Headers


  1. mac 安装Android studio遇到的问题及解决
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  3. Android(安卓)水波效果原理与实现
  4. 后台动态添加布局文件、控件与动态设置属
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  6. android 中文 api (43) —— Chronometer
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