I'm working on a project in Laravel for learning the framework.


I create a basic register/login and after that I customize the register part. What am I planning to achieve is the point where an user can act in multiple roles.


For example: user1 can be normal user and administrator(with special access to the application) at the same time.


How should I design this from database point of view ?


1 个解决方案



Personally, I wouldn't create another "user" type entity for companies, but add another table for company data and connect it to a user. That way you are able to keep the default registration and login process.


If you wanted a slightly different form to register companies, I'd add another route & form to gather the "user" information as well as "company" information (company name, phone, fax, etc). Then when the registration is processed you can create the user entity, along with the company relationship with the given information.


However, if you still wanted to create completely different entities with login/registration flows, you'd have to build your own User Providers and implement the contracts needed.



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