PHP ZipArchive 是PHP自带的扩展类,可以轻松实现ZIP文件的压缩和解压,使用前首先要确保PHP ZIP 扩展已经开启,具体开启方法就不说了,不同的平台开启PHP扩增的方法网上都有,如有疑问欢迎交流。这里整理一下常用的示例供参考。


$zip = new ZipArchive;//新建一个ZipArchive的对象
if ($zip->open('') === TRUE)


$zip = new ZipArchive;
if ($zip->open('', ZipArchive::OVERWRITE) === TRUE)


$zip = new ZipArchive;
$res = $zip->open('', ZipArchive::CREATE);
if ($res === TRUE) {
$zip->addFromString('test.txt', 'file content goes here');
echo 'ok';
} else {
echo 'failed';

function addFileToZip($path, $zip) {
$handler = opendir($path); //打开当前文件夹由$path指定。
其中$filename = readdir($handler)是每次循环的时候将读取的文件名赋值给$filename,
为了不陷于死循环,所以还要让$filename !== false。
while (($filename = readdir($handler)) !== false) {
if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..") {//文件夹文件名字为'.'和‘..’,不要对他们进行操作
if (is_dir($path . "/" . $filename)) {// 如果读取的某个对象是文件夹,则递归
addFileToZip($path . "/" . $filename, $zip);
} else { //将文件加入zip对象
$zip->addFile($path . "/" . $filename);

$zip = new ZipArchive();
if ($zip->open('', ZipArchive::OVERWRITE) === TRUE) {
addFileToZip('images/', $zip); //调用方法,对要打包的根目录进行操作,并将ZipArchive的对象传递给方法
$zip->close(); //关闭处理的zip文件


  • ZipArchive::addEmptyDir— Add a new directory
  • ZipArchive::addFile— Adds a file to a ZIP archive from the given path
  • ZipArchive::addFromString— Add a file to a ZIP archive using its contents
  • ZipArchive::close— Close the active archive (opened or newly created)
  • ZipArchive::deleteIndex— delete an entry in the archive using its index
  • ZipArchive::deleteName— delete an entry in the archive using its name
  • ZipArchive::extractTo— Extract the archive contents
  • ZipArchive::getArchiveComment— Returns the Zip archive comment
  • ZipArchive::getCommentIndex— Returns the comment of an entry using the entry index
  • ZipArchive::getCommentName— Returns the comment of an entry using the entry name
  • ZipArchive::getFromIndex— Returns the entry contents using its index
  • ZipArchive::getFromName— Returns the entry contents using its name
  • ZipArchive::getNameIndex— Returns the name of an entry using its index
  • ZipArchive::getStatusString— Returns the status error message, system and/or zip messages
  • ZipArchive::getStream— Get a file handler to the entry defined by its name (read only).
  • ZipArchive::locateName— Returns the index of the entry in the archive
  • ZipArchive::open— Open a ZIP file archive
  • ZipArchive::renameIndex— Renames an entry defined by its index
  • ZipArchive::renameName— Renames an entry defined by its name
  • ZipArchive::setArchiveComment— Set the comment of a ZIP archive
  • ZipArchive::setCommentIndex— Set the comment of an entry defined by its index
  • ZipArchive::setCommentName— Set the comment of an entry defined by its name
  • ZipArchive::statIndex— Get the details of an entry defined by its index.
  • ZipArchive::statName— Get the details of an entry defined by its name.
  • ZipArchive::unchangeAll— Undo all changes done in the archive
  • ZipArchive::unchangeArchive— Revert all global changes done in the archive.
  • ZipArchive::unchangeIndex— Revert all changes done to an entry at the given index
  • ZipArchive::unchangeName— Revert all changes done to an entry with the given name.


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