I'm making a wp guestbook and i've made a mistake somewhere. At first i've tried to use join but coud not get it to work properly because of all those conditions so i wrote this:


$query = "  
        (select *,
        (select count(cid) from ctable WHERE nid = vid) as posts,
        (select timestamp from ctable where nid = vid order by timestamp desc limit 1) as lt,
        (select count(vid) from ntable) as total
        FROM ntable

It does exactly what it supossed to do but it is very slow. I know i shout use join but i cant figure it out.


3 个解决方案



As per my Exp level ..try to use the nolocks as I updated your query that is ,


$query = '(select *,
        (select count(cid) from ctable with(nolock) WHERE nid = vid) as posts,
        (select timestamp from ctable with(nolock) where nid = vid order by timestamp desc limit 1) as lt,
        (select count(vid) from ntable with(nolock)) as total
        FROM ntable with(nolock)

and you are using the Order by for with timestamp column and instead of that use getdate()-1(means days count for the old data so that query will improve its performance.)

并且您使用Order by for timestamp列而不是使用getdate() - 1(表示旧数据的天数,以便查询将提高其性能。)


  1. 请问用PL/SQL如何判断两个日期之间相差的天数?


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