I'd heard Prepared Statements with a MySQL database can offer speed increases if the query is being done multiple times, and I thought I had an ideal case for that in a project. But I ran some benchmarks and found the exact opposite. Am I using these statements wrong (not an ideal situation for Prepared Statements), or are they just not as fast as I thought they were?


The situation is a tournament result grid. There's multiple schools entered in multiple events, and each school has a score for each event. In order to get an individual school's scores for all events, it takes a SQL query with a LEFT JOIN like:


SELECT e.`id`, e.`name`, c.`competing`, c.`raw`, c.`final` FROM `events` e LEFT JOIN `scores` c ON e.`id`=c.`event_id` WHERE c.`school_id`=:school_id;

I wrote two PHP test scripts to run against sample data (200 events), using the native PDO objects (prepare()/bindValue()/execute() versus query()):

我使用本地PDO对象(prepare()/bindValue()/execute() / query()):

EDIT Modified tests with below suggestions (vanilla query needs a fetch, fetch different IDs, and bind the prepare outside the loop). Only gives a modest speed advantage to prepared statements now:


Prepared Statement:


$start = microtime(true);
$sql = 'SELECT e.`id`, e.`name`, c.`competing`, c.`raw`, c.`final` FROM `events` e LEFT JOIN `scores` c ON e.`id`=c.`event_id` WHERE c.`school_id`=:school_id';
echo $sql."<br />\n";
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$sid = 0;
$stmt->bindParam(':school_id', $sid);
for ($i=0; $i<$max; $i++) {
    $sid = rand(1,499);
    $rs = $stmt->fetchAll();
$delta = bcsub(microtime(true), $start, 4);
echo "<strong>Overall time:</strong> $delta<br />\n";
echo "<strong>Average time:</strong> ".($delta/$max)."<br />\n";

Vanilla Query:


set_time_limit(15); // Add time for each run
$start = microtime(true);
$sql = 'SELECT e.`id`, e.`name`, c.`competing`, c.`raw`, c.`final` FROM `events` e LEFT JOIN `scores` c ON e.`id`=c.`event_id` WHERE c.`school_id`={$sid}';
echo $sql."<br />\n";
for ($i=0; $i<$max; $i++) {
    $sid = rand(1,499);
    $stmt = $db->query("SELECT e.`id`, e.`name`, c.`competing`, c.`raw`, c.`final` FROM `events` e LEFT JOIN `scores` c ON e.`id`=c.`event_id` WHERE c.`school_id`={$sid}");
    $rs = $stmt->fetchAll();
$delta = bcsub(microtime(true), $start, 4);
echo "<strong>Overall time:</strong> $delta<br />\n";
echo "<strong>Average time:</strong> ".($delta/$max)."<br />\n";

I am fetching the same school's event scores (School ID# 10) over and over again, and setting $max to 10,000, I get results that show the vanilla queries being 30% faster (25.72 seconds versus 36.79). Am I doing it wrong, or is this accurate that Prepared Statements aren't faster even in a repeating situation?

我一遍又一遍地获取同一所学校的事件分数(学校ID# 10),并将$max设置为10,000,我得到的结果显示普通查询的速度要快30%(25.72秒而36.79秒)。是我做错了,还是说准备好的语句即使在重复的情况下也不会更快?

EDIT the updated tests now get 33.95 seconds prepared versus 34.10 vanilla. Huzzah, the prepared statements are faster. But only by a fraction of a second for 10,000 iterations. Possibly because my query is not that complex (Prepared statements cache the parse tree for their advantage)? Or is there more optimizing to do here yet?


3 个解决方案



It appears that you may not be comparing apples to apples.


PDO::query() Executes an SQL statement, returning a result set as a PDOStatement object.


To get the actual results, you need to iterate over the returned object or, as with the prepared statement, call fetchAll() to load the entire result set into an array


The correct vanilla query loop should likely then be:


for ($i=0; $i<$max; $i++) {
    $stmt = $db->query($sql);
    $rs = $stmt->fetchAll();

or alternatively removing the fetchAll() call from the prepared statement loop.


You could also reduce the method calls required for the prepared statement by using bindParam() instead of bindValue()


$school_id = null;
$stmt->bindParam(':school_id', $school_id);
for ($i=0; $i<$max; $i++) {
    $school_id = 10;
    $rs = $stmt->fetchAll();


  1. PHP实现字符串转换成查询语句
  2. Mysql数据库四大特性、事物的四个隔离、基本MySQL语句、独立表空
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  5. MySQL-数据库安装及基本SQL语句
  6.如何优化 WHERE 语句
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