I have PHP web page where I need to insert some information to my database. When insert is done, it refresh the same page. But I've been told that this process is not practical because you are loading all HTML, CSS, and JS of your page every time. And I should you AJAX to do that.


I search for it, and tried this code:


 //get the form values
 var selectType = $('#selectW').val();
 var selectcom = $('#select_at').val();
 var pay = $('#pay').val();     
 var facture = $('#facture').val();     
 var selectcur = $('#select').val(); 

 //make the postdata
 //var postData = 'username='+username+'&name='+name+'&brand='+brand;

 //call your input.php script in the background, when it returns it will call the success function if the request was successful or the error one if there was an issue (like a 404, 500 or any other error status)

        url : "insert.php",
        type: "POST",
        data : postData,
        success: function(data,status, xhr)
            //if success then just output the text to the status div then clear the form inputs to prepare for new data
        error: function (jqXHR, status, errorThrown)
            //if fail show error and server status
            $("#section2").html('there was an error ' + errorThrown + ' with status ' + textStatus);
    });// JavaScript Document

And here is my PHP-PDO code where I removed the header lines and replaced them with echo("something"):


    $selectOpt1 = $_POST['currency'];
        $type = $_POST['type'];
        $provider = $_POST['alfa_touch'];
        $pay = $_POST['pay'];
        $facture = $_POST['facture'];
            $query = "INSERT INTO sales
            (type, provider, pay, facture, date_now, time_now) 
            (:type, :provider, :pay, :facture, :date, now())";
            $stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
            $stmt->bindValue(":type", $type);
            $stmt->bindValue(":provider", $provider);
            $stmt->bindValue(":pay", $pay);  
            $stmt->bindValue(":facture", $facture);
            $stmt->bindValue(":date", date("y-m-d"));
            $count = $stmt->execute();
            //header("location: home.php");
            echo ("Done");
        catch(PDOException $e) {
            echo $e->getMessage();
            //header("location: ../pages/insert_false.php?id=".$projid);



Now, when I click on insert button, the data are added correctly to MySQL database, but, the app stay in insert.php and echo Done. What I need is to stay in the same page. Any help is appreciated.

现在,当我点击插入按钮时,数据被正确添加到MySQL数据库,但是,应用程序保留在insert.php和echo Done中。我需要的是留在同一页面。任何帮助表示赞赏。


 //get the form values
 var selectType = $('#selectW').val();
 var selectcom = $('#select_at').val();
 var pay = $('#pay').val();     
 var facture = $('#facture').val();     
 var selectcur = $('#select').val(); 

 //make the postdata
 var postData = 'username='+username+'&name='+name+'&brand='+brand;

 //call your input.php script in the background, when it returns it will call the success function if the request was successful or the error one if there was an issue (like a 404, 500 or any other error status)

    url : "insert.php",
    type: "POST",
    data : postData,
    success: function(data,status, xhr)
        //if success then just output the text to the status div then clear the form inputs to prepare for new data
    error: function (jqXHR, status, errorThrown)
        //if fail show error and server status
        $("#section2").html('there was an error ' + errorThrown + ' with status ' + textStatus);

return false;
});// JavaScript Document

Still the same problem. And here is my HTML form:


<form name="insertForm" action="insert.php" method="post">

        <td align="center">
          <select id="selectW" name="type">
            <option value="Choose">Choose</option>
            <option value="Dollars">Dollars</option>
            <option value="D & D">D & D</option>
            <option value="Cards">Cards</option>
            <option value="Phones">Phones</option>
            <option value="Acc">Acc</option>
            <option value="Bills">Bills</option>
          <?php foreach($result5 as $rows){ ?>
            <option value="<?php echo $rows['item_name'] ?>"><?php echo $rows['item_name'] ?></option>
            <?php } ?>
        <td align="center"><select id="select_at" name="alfa_touch">
            <option value="Undefined">Not Required</option>
            <option value="Alfa">Alfa</option>
            <option value="Touch">Touch</option></select></td>
        <td align="center"><input type="text" id="pay" name="pay"/></td>
        <td align="center"><input type="text" id="facture" name="facture" placeholder="في حال دفع الفواتير عبر omt"/></td>
        <td align="center"><select id="select" name="currency">
            <option value="9">LBP</option>
            <option value="10">Dollars</option>

        <td align="center"><input type="submit" id="insert" name="insert" value="insert" />



2 个解决方案



Add preventDefault to your javascript function







  1. PHP的页面布局怎样设计
  2. PHP会话变量没有转移到我登录的页面,但是会话ID是
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  4. 如何通过PHP将HTML页面作为字符串获取?
  5. thinkphp执行删除操作然后成功success后页面跳转失败问题
  6. 在通过AJAX响应发送的页面上执行javascript函数
  7. 使用jQuery和ajax更改浏览器地址栏URL,无需重载页面[重复]
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  9. 用于上传多个文件的PHP代码


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  7. Android(安卓)Bundle存储数据类型
  8. android wifi
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