I am doing image rotate functionality. I am rotating the image and saving into tmp directory using


$rotate = imagerotate($source, 90, 0);
$rotatedTmpFile = tempnam('/tmp', 'rotatedThumbnailImage');
imagejpeg($rotate, $rotatedTmpFile ,100);

Files get created in tmp folder. But now I want to


  1. read the content of tmp directory
  2. 读取tmp目录的内容

  3. Generate the url of tmp image file
  4. 生成tmp图像文件的URL

  5. Send that src as a response back to ajax call
  6. 将该src作为响应发送回ajax调用


    url: PAdmin.roateImageUrl,
    data: {
        mediaId: id[1],
        src: src
    type: 'POST',
    success: function(response) {
        img.attr('src', response);
  1. Show that rotated image to end user before uploading on S3 server.
  2. 在S3服务器上载之前向最终用户显示旋转的图像。

Please help.

3 个解决方案



I'm pretty sure /tmp is not accessible via your webserver directly. You should either move from /tmp to a directory in your docroot, or alternatively encode the image in the html directly; using

我很确定/ tmp无法直接通过您的网络服务器访问。您应该从/ tmp移动到docroot中的目录,或者直接在html中编码图像;运用

$mime = mime_content_type($rotatedTmpFile);
$data = file_get_contents($rotatedTmpFile);
exit('data:' . $mime . ';base64,' . base64_encode($data));

this should work as an image-src but might be somewhat resource-expensive



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