Has anybody made a website theme for the iPhone?


Please let me know any tips or resources.


Here's my theory: How to make a website theme for iPhone


  1. Create a website theme designed for desktop monitors. Try not to make any element larger than 320px (iPhone screen resolution).


  2. Create 2 style sheets. One for desktop monitors and another for iPhone. By default, the desktop version of the style sheet is called. The iPhone style sheet would display items in such a way that they fit inside the 320px resolution.

    创建2个样式表。一个用于桌面显示器,另一个用于iPhone。默认情况下,将调用样式表的桌面版本。 iPhone样式表将以适合320px分辨率的方式显示项目。

  3. Create JavaScript file that detects Screen Size. If screen size is less than than 321px, then the style sheet is replaced by the iPhone version style sheet.


2 个解决方案


Liquid layouts work well. When you switch from landscape to portrait and back on the iPhone, text reflows. I've used this one.



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