I am using insertbefore() function in JS:


$('<div class="col-lg-3" ></div>').insertBefore("div.col-lg-9.col-md-9.col-sm-9.col-xs-12");

But what issue I am facing when there is already exists that particular div div col-lg-3 before "div.col-lg-9.col-md-9.col-sm-9.col-xs-12" after that its always perform insertbefore.

但是,在“div.col-lg-9.col-md-9.col-sm-9.col-xs-12”之前已经存在特定div div col-lg-3时,我面临的问题是什么?它始终执行insertbefore。

I want to check duplicacy and if already its present before same div then avoid insertbefore in that condition on a page.


1 个解决方案



You can use each() to loop and use prev() function to get the element before and check if it is div.col-lg-3 using is().


    if( !$(this).prev().is("div.col-lg-3") )
        $('<div class="col-lg-3" ></div>').insertBefore(this);


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