I'm using MVC, I would like to pass a row index (razor variable) to a JS.


 @for (int i = 0; i < Model.Topics.Count(); i++)
                    <tr id="row-@i"> 

                        <td class="IsReadOnly">@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Topics[i].NumberOfNoDifficulltySet, new { @readonly = "readonly", @class = "SubjectTB", @onchange = "CheckNoDiff(this);" })</td>


the js function is CheckNoDiff(this) - I would like to pass the @i parameter - that is the row index as an argument to the js. How do I do that? and how do I receive the parameter value on js?

js函数是CheckNoDiff(这个) - 我想传递@i参数 - 这是行索引作为js的参数。我怎么做?以及如何在js上接收参数值?

Any help is most welcome - Regards, Lior.

任何帮助都是最受欢迎的 - 问候,Lior。

1 个解决方案


If you can use JQuery.data() then you can just add an attribute to your text box like so:



Then remove the parameter from the CheckNoDiff function and within the CheckNoDiff function you can access the value like so:


var id= $(this).data('assigned-id');


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