I have series of Jasmine tests running against an AngularJs service that uses ECMAScript Internationalization API. They all run successfully when I run them through Chrome. However, when I use PhantomJS to run them through maven, they all fail as it seems PhantomJs does not support Internationalization API yet.


The error message I get for the tests using Intl object is :


1: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Intl in localizationService.js

1: ReferenceError:在localizationService.js中找不到变量Intl

And the rest of the tests just fail.


The tests are simple and look like this:


it('Format date with en-us locale', (function (){
    var date= "06/13/2013"

and the methods in service (localizationService.js) are simple wrappers around Intl API:

服务中的方法(localizationService.js)是围绕Intl API的简单包装器:

function getCurrentTimeZone(){
    return Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolved.timeZone

function date(dateInput,locale,options){
        // some other stuff
        // ... 
        if (locale) {
            return _date.toLocaleDateString(locale,options);
        } else {
            return _date.toLocaleDateString();

My questions are:


1- Is my assumption correct that PhantomJS v1.9.2 does not support ECMAScript internationalization API? Is there anyway to confirm that?

1-我的假设是否正确,PhantomJS v1.9.2不支持ECMAScript国际化API?有什么可以证实的吗?

2- How can I approach resolving this issue? I need to run my tests through maven and I will have more tests hitting my localizationService API one way or the other.

我如何解决这个问题?我需要通过maven运行我的测试,我将会有更多的测试以一种或另一种方式打击我的localizationService API。谢谢

2 个解决方案



Not sure if you're using Karma or not, but here's what I had to do to fix the same issue.


  1. npm install karma-intl-shim --save-dev


    This will also install the polyfill library Intl;


  2. Add 'intl-shim' to the frameworks collection in karma.conf.js:


    frameworks: ['intl-shim'],
  3. Add the locale file you wish to test with in karma.conf.js, for example 'en-US':

    添加希望在karma.conf中测试的语言环境文件。js,例如“en - us”:

    files: [


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