I have a simple doubt. I'm working on ruby on rails 5, and I have a relation where the parent is 'category' and the child is 'phrase'. My user can create phrases but I don't want a separate form to create categories, which is just an id and a name. I want in the form for phrases an input where the user can type a category and an autocomplete will pop up with the avaliable options, but if he wants a new one, he simply types it and it will create a new one when he saves the form.

我有一个简单的疑问。我正在使用rails 5上的ruby,我有一个关系,父亲是'category',孩子是'短语'。我的用户可以创建短语,但我不想要一个单独的表单来创建类别,这只是一个id和一个名字。我想在短语的形式输入一个输入,用户可以输入一个类别,自动完成将弹出可用的选项,但如果他想要一个新的,他只需键入它,它将创建一个新的,当他保存形成。

I've seen something similar with jquery-ui autocomplete but I couldn't make it work properly because it requires a predefined list inside the javascript. thank you.


1 个解决方案



a similar solution is to use datalist and option tags for your input. like :

类似的解决方案是为您的输入使用datalist和option标签。喜欢 :

   <%= form_for @phrase do |phrase_form| %>
     <%= f.text_field :name >
        #=> other fields for phrase ........

        <%= fields_for :category do |category_builder| %>
        <%= category_builder.text_field :name, :list => "categories_list" %>
         <datalist id = "categories_list" >
           <% Category.all.each do |c| do %>
           <option value = "<%=c.name%>"  ></option>
           <% end %>    
        <% end %>    
        <% end %>

then you add accept_nested_attributes_for :category in phrase.rb model file


once you type in text field you will get a list of available options for categories


other solution is to define a new methods for phrase category_name and category_name=(name)

其他解决方案是为短语category_name和category_name =(name)定义一个新方法

def category_name=(name) 
   self.category = Category.find_or_create_by(:name => name)

then <%= f.text_field :category_name, :list => "categories_list %>"

那么<%= f.text_field:category_name,:list =>“categories_list%>”


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