I want to use item.create() in projectModule, testCase and businessFunction. because it's same prototype as item's I copied the item's to other functions. But i want have a one unique variable for these three functions which is called itemType. I tried this. But an exception is occurred. How can I place a unique variable for these three functions without overriding them?



projectModule.create.prototype.itemType = 'module';
TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined 

JavaScript Code

 var item = function () {};
    item.prototype.create = function (projectName, itemName) {

 * create module
var projectModule = function () {};
projectModule.prototype = Object.create(item.prototype);
projectModule.create.prototype.itemType = 'module';

 * create tc
var testCase = function () {};
testCase.prototype = Object.create(item.prototype);
testCase.create.prototype.itemType = 'tc';

 * create bc
var businessComponent = function () {};
businessComponent.prototype = Object.create(item.prototype);
businessComponent.create.prototype.itemType = 'bc';

1 个解决方案



This seems to have solved the error for me. Swapped .create and .prototype around.


var projectModule = function () {};

projectModule.prototype = Object.create(item.prototype);
projectModule.prototype.create.itemType = 'module';

 * create tc
var testCase = function () {};
testCase.prototype = Object.create(item.prototype);
testCase.prototype.create.itemType = 'tc';

 * create bc
var businessComponent = function () {};
businessComponent.prototype = Object.create(item.prototype);
businessComponent.prototype.create.itemType = 'bc';


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