Following Mike Bostock's great tutorial on command-line cartography, when trying to produce a choropleth, I receive a TypeError saying that d3.scaleSequential is not a function. I imagine it is just not being exposed? But I don't know how to deal with that through the CLI...?

在迈克·博斯托克(Mike Bostock)关于命令行制图的出色教程之后,当我试图生成一个choroples的时候,我收到了一个TypeError,说d3。scaleSequential不是一个函数。我想它只是没有暴露出来?但是我不知道如何通过CLI来解决这个问题…?

Error Traceback:


TypeError: d3.scaleSequential is not a function
    at evalmachine.:1:26
    at Interface. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ndjson-cli/ndjson-map:45:14)
    at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
    at Interface.emit (events.js:169:7)
    at Interface._onLine (readline.js:210:10)
    at Interface. (readline.js:340:12)
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at Interface._normalWrite (readline.js:339:11)
    at ReadStream.ondata (readline.js:86:10)
    at emitOne (events.js:77:13)

I have all of the needed libraries installed and updated through npm, so that isn't the issue..any thoughts on how to debug this would be greatly appreciated.


Currently Installed:


  • d3@4.9.1
  • d3@4.9.1
  • d3-geo-projection@2.1.2
  • d3-geo-projection@2.1.2
  • d3-scale@1.0.6
  • d3-scale@1.0.6
  • d3-scale-chromatic@1.1.1
  • d3-scale-chromatic@1.1.1

Sample Code

The code is copied pretty much straight from the tutorial and this is the first step that doesn't work..


ndjson-map -r d3 \
  '( = d3.scaleSequential(d3.interpolateViridis).domain([0, 4000])(, d)' \

1 个解决方案



When you are using the CLI, d3 needs to be accessible to node.js, so you should npm install -g d3 (global), or in the directory from which you're running the command line scripts, npm install d3.

当您使用CLI时,d3需要被节点访问。js,所以您应该在npm安装- gd3(全局),或者在运行命令行脚本的目录中,npm安装d3。

UPDATE: If you use the global approach, you may need to link the package ( or set your NODE_PATH variable to have access to the folder where global modules are installed.

更新:如果您使用全局方法,您可能需要链接这个包( 1.0 -global- local-installation/),或者设置您的NODE_PATH变量,以访问安装全局模块的文件夹。


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