I've an input field that can be modify by users and js buttons. I need to throw an event when the user writes/deletes something in the textarea and when a button modifies the value of the input without using jQuery.


I tried to overwrite input's get and set methods but when I change input text with js before modify it by my hand and change it again with js the displayed text in the input box doesn't change.


It has to work on IE11 and Chrome (cannot use onpropertychange event).


I'm sorry for my bad english but I hope I was clear.



1 个解决方案



Well there is an 'oninput' and an 'onchange' in javascript. Try one of these:



Edit: I think there is no true solution for this, but you can try the hack on this link instead of your manipulated setters/getters. In this case you get an event-callback whenever the given property of an element has changed programmatically (with new and old value).

编辑:我认为没有真正的解决方案,但你可以尝试在这个链接上的黑客而不是你操纵的setter / getters。在这种情况下,只要元素的给定属性以编程方式更改(使用新旧值),就会获得事件回调。

You can then change the value on the original element by yourself or do whatever you want. In addition you then need a normal .oninput-event on the element,too. To get the event from user inputs.


If anyone has a better idea how to manage this, I'm looking forward to read it.



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