After reading David Heinemeier Hansson's blog post about server-generated javascript I decided to review the way I approach making AJAX calls in my Rails applications. What David suggests is to create a .js.erb template, which is just javascript embedded with ruby code generated on the server, and not to do any DOM manipulation in the client-side javascript.

在阅读了David Heinemeier Hansson关于服务器生成的javascript的博客后,我决定回顾一下在Rails应用程序中调用AJAX的方法。David的建议是创建一个。js。erb模板,它是嵌入在服务器上生成的ruby代码的javascript,在客户端javascript中不做任何DOM操作。

Another approach is of course to simply do everything on the client-side, and (for example) return a JSON object representing the updated object from the server and use javascript to do all DOM manipulation.


I dislike the first approach for two reasons:


1) I use HAML and Coffeescript in my application, and feel that by using vanilla javascript and ERB would uncecessarily bloat my code-base with code of a different language (maybe it's possible to create .coffee.haml templates rather than js.erb, I don't know)


2) I really don't like the idea of 'littering' my view folder with what is essentially javascript files, with a little bit of ruby embedded.


The second approach, as David talks about in his blog post, relies very heavily on client-side javascript, which could lead to bloated client-side javascript code, and possibly the need for client-side templates, which in worst case scenarios could mean almost doubling the number of templates.


The approach I decided to go for (and want to ask whether or not is completely stupid way to go about this) is the following:


1) Set the remote: true flag to make links and forms utilize AJAX to post to the server.


2) In my controller, handle everything as html, and simply render without layout should the request be an AJAX request: render partial: '<partial-name>', layout: false if request.xhr?. This simply returns the HTML of the partial, with the ruby code evaluated.

2)在我的控制器中,把所有东西都当作html来处理,如果请求是AJAX请求,就简单地呈现:呈现部分:'< / partial-name>',布局:false if request.xhr?这只返回部分的HTML,并计算ruby代码。

3) In an asset javascript file (for instance <partial-name> listen to ajax:success and append the HTML from the response.


I like this approach because (in my rather simple application) this allows me to keep all my code in HAML/Coffeescript, and avoids any javascript templates.


I realize this problem might take on a different character should the complexity of the application grow, but I still feel that it's a valid question: is this a bad way to go about implementing an AJAX-based architecture for a Rails application (and if so, why? i.e. is there a reason why returning HTML instead of JSON from an AJAX call is a bad idea?) or is this something I should continue to utilize?


Thank you :-)


2 个解决方案



Your approach seems to me quite accurate. However I would change 1 pt. Instead of using remote: true, I would use jQuery ajax call directly.

在我看来,你的方法相当正确。但是我将更改1 pt。我将直接使用jQuery ajax调用,而不是使用remote: true。

   $('#some_link').click(function() {
          // some parameters here


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