I've been looking over and over for an example on how to cancel an ongoing REST-call using Angular's $resource. I haven't found any solution yet, but from the Angular documentation I got the impression that it should be possible.


From the documentation:


Usage: $resource(url[, paramDefaults][, actions]);

用法:$ resource(url [,paramDefaults] [,actions]);

One of the actions defined in the documentation:


timeout – {number|Promise} – timeout in milliseconds, or promise that should abort the request when resolved.

timeout - {number | Promise} - 超时(以毫秒为单位),或承诺在解决时应中止请求。

Does anyone have a working example showing how to use this timeout action with promise to cancel an ongoing request? Is it possible?


2 个解决方案



Yes this is possible. You have to create a defere and set the promise as parameter:


var timeoutPromise = $q.defer();

{timeout: timeoutPromise.promise}

Then you can resolve the promise at any time:



It should also be possible to call $timeout.cancel(timeoutPromise). What should be equal to timeoutPromise.reject().

也应该可以调用$ timeout.cancel(timeoutPromise)。什么应该等于timeoutPromise.reject()。

$timeout $q

$ timeout $ q


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