On route change, I need to abort ALL pending requests from previous route so that I don't run into problems of responses from previous route messing up data on my current route (it happens sometimes when responses from previous route take long time to finish).

在路由更改时,我需要中止来自先前路由的所有待处理请求,以便我不会遇到先前路由的响应问题,从而弄乱我当前路由上的数据(有时候,当前一路由的响应需要很长时间才能完成时) 。

I have thought about using http interceptor for this:


$httpProvider.interceptors.push(function($q) {
    return {
     'request': function(config) {


      'response': function(response) {


In the request function, I could modify the config.timeout with a promise as suggested here and store all the deferred objects in a global cache so that I could cancel all of them.


The problem with this approach is that it may override config.timeout set in other places in the code.


I think another solution could be to cancel all ajax requests at XMLHttpRequest level, but I don't know how to do it.


Any suggestions? Thanks.


1 个解决方案



As you say, timeout is the only API we have of use right now to cancel a running $http request. I think you're right on the money with an interceptor coupled with a cancel promise.

正如你所说,timeout是我们现在用来取消正在运行的$ http请求的唯一API。我认为你的拦截器加上取消承诺你的钱是正确的。

What you could do is attach the full deferred object on the $http request, and cancel all pendingRequests in your route change handler.

您可以做的是在$ http请求上附加完整的延迟对象,并取消路由更改处理程序中的所有pendingRequests。

Something like this could (perhaps*) work?


angular.module('module').config(function ($httpProvider) {
  $httpProvider.interceptors.push(function ($q) {
    return {
      request: function (config) {
        if (!config.timeout) {
          config.cancel  = $q.defer();
          config.timeout = config.cancel.promise;            

        return config;

angular.module('module').run(function ($rootScope, $http) {
  $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function () {
    $http.pendingRequests.forEach(function (pendingReq) {
      if (pendingReq.cancel) {

*: I say perhaps, because I had success with this approach, but it's seldom you find a silver bullet to something like this.




If you need to bypass the error handler of the cancelled promise, hook into responseError property and do manual labour there.


angular.module('module').config(function ($httpProvider) {
  $httpProvider.interceptors.push(function ($q) {
    return {
      responseError: function (response) {
        if (response.config.timeout.$$state.value === 'Cancel!') {
          // debugger; 
          return $q.when('bypassed');

I'm starting to think that there is no generic/'cool' solution to reach the end result you desire. Treading some odd ground here : )




Testing the above myself now. Returning $q.when('something') in the responseError will effectively bypass the error callback of the cancelled $http request. Let me know if it works out for you.

现在自己测试一下。在responseError中返回$ q.when('something')将有效地绕过已取消的$ http请求的错误回调。如果它适合您,请告诉我。


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