I've got a a table with a column request_time. There will be multiple requests and I want to get the latest request of a particular username:


$this->Requests->find('all', 'conditions' => array (
                                               'username' => $username, 
                                               'MAX'=> 'request_time'));

The above doesn't work. Is there something in Cakephp or do I need to do my own ->query()?

以上不起作用。在Cakephp中有什么东西或者我需要自己做 - > query()吗?

2 个解决方案



You can use the following:


$this->Requests->find('first', array('conditions' => array('username' => $username), 
                               'order' => array('id' => 'DESC') ));

Where id is the auto incremented primary key. This will give you the latest (single) record, if you are using first in find method, or else use all instead.


If you are not using primary key, you can try the following:


$this->Requests->find('first', array('conditions' => array('username' => $username), 
                               'order' => array('request_time' => 'DESC') ));


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