I am making a cookie based favorite system and need to join data from two tables based on the unique user id stored in the cookie so I can tell what items that use has marked as favorites.


I know I need to do a JOIN but have not used them much and dont really have my head around them yet.


Existing query that selects the items from the db:


$query = mysql_query("SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`date`) AS `date` FROM songs WHERE date >= DATE_SUB( NOW( ) , INTERVAL 2 WEEK ) ORDER BY date DESC");

My favorites table is setup as: ID FAVORITE USERID where ID is the primary key, FAVORITE is the song ID from table songs and USERID is a hash stored in a cookie.

我的收藏夹表设置为:ID FAVORITE USERID,其中ID是主键,FAVORITE是表歌曲中的歌曲ID,USERID是存储在cookie中的哈希。

I need to join in all the rows from the favorites table where the USERID field matches the cookie hash variable.


I also need to gather the total number of rows in favorites that match the song id so I can display a count of the number of people who set the item as favorite so I can display how many people like it. But maybe need to do that as a separate query?


2 个解决方案


This should do it, I would imagine:


$user_id = intval($_COOKIE['user_id']);
$query = mysql_query(sprintf("
    SELECT *
    FROM songs s
       INNER JOIN favorites f
       ON f.favorite = s.id
    WHERE f.userid = %s
", $user_id));

You should probably read up on the different types of joins.


And then to get the total amount of rows returned, you can just call mysql_num_rows on the result:


$favorite_song_count = mysql_num_rows($query);

EDIT: To select all songs but note which are favorited, you would do this:


$query = mysql_query(sprintf("
    SELECT s.*, f.id as favorite_id
    FROM songs s
       LEFT JOIN favorites f
       ON f.favorite = s.id AND f.userid = %s
", $user_id));

By switching it from an INNER JOIN to a LEFT JOIN we are selecting all songs even if they don't have a corresponding record in the favorites table. Any songs that are favorites of the user_id provided will have a non-NULL value for favorite_id.

通过将它从INNER JOIN切换到LEFT JOIN,即使它们在收藏夹表中没有相应的记录,我们也会选择所有歌曲。任何提供的user_id收藏的歌曲都会为favorite_id设置非NULL值。


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