Let me start by outlining the scenario. I have a Note object that can be assigned to many different objects


  • A Book can have one or moreNotes.
  • 一本书可以有一个或更多。
  • An Image can have one or more Notes.
  • 一个图像可以有一个或多个音符。
  • A Address can have one or more Notes.
  • 地址可以有一个或多个注释。

What I envision the database to look like:



id | title           | pages
1  | harry potter    | 200
2  | game of thrones | 500



id | full      | thumb
2  | image.jpg | image-thumb.jpg



id | street      | city
1  | 123 street  | denver
2  | central ave | tampa



id | object_id | object_type | content      | date
1  | 1         | image       | "lovely pic" | 2015-02-10
2  | 1         | image       | "red tint"   | 2015-02-30
3  | 1         | address     | "invalid"    | 2015-01-05
4  | 2         | book        | "boobies"    | 2014-09-06
5  | 1         | book        | "prettygood" | 2016-05-05

The question is, how do I model this inside of Doctrine. Everything I have read about talks about single table inheritance without a one to many relationship.


To note (no pun intended ;), you may notice that note never needs unique attributes based on the object its related to.


Ideally I can do $address->getNotes() which would return the same type of Note object that $image->getNotes() would return.


At the very minimum the problem I am trying to solve is to avoid having three different tables: image_notes, book_notes and address_notes.


5 个解决方案



Personally I wouldn't use a superclass here. Think there's more of a case for an interface that would be implemented by Book, Image and Address:


interface iNotable
    public function getNotes();

Here's Book as an example:


class Book implements iNotable {
     * @OneToMany(targetEntity="Note", mappedBy="book")
    protected $notes;

    // ...        

    public function getNotes()
        return $this->notes;

Note then needs @ManyToOne relationships going the other way, only one of which will apply for each entity instance:


class Note {
     * @ManyToOne(targetEntity="Book", inversedBy="notes")
     * @JoinColumn
    protected $book;

     * @ManyToOne(targetEntity="Image", inversedBy="notes")
     * @JoinColumn
    protected $image;

     * @ManyToOne(targetEntity="Address", inversedBy="notes")
     * @JoinColumn
    protected $address;

    // ...

If you don't like the multiple references to each notable class here you could use inheritance and have something like an AbstractNotable superclass using single table inheritance. Although this might seem tidier now, the reason I wouldn't recommend it is as your data model grows you may need to introduce similar patterns that could eventually make the inheritance tree become unmanageable.


EDIT: It would also be useful to have Note validator to ensure data integrity by checking that exactly one of $book, $image or $address is set for each instance. Something like this:

编辑:通过检查是否为每个实例设置了$book、$image或$address中的一个,使用Note validator来确保数据完整性也很有用。是这样的:

 * @PrePersist @PreUpdate
public function validate()
    $refCount = is_null($book) ? 0 : 1;
    $refCount += is_null($image) ? 0 : 1;
    $refCount += is_null($address) ? 0 : 1;

    if ($refCount != 1) {
        throw new ValidateException("Note references are not set correctly");


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