I'm trying migrate a MSSQL database to MySQL. Using MySQL Workbench I moved the schema and data over but having problems converting the character encoding. During the migration I had the tool put text into BLOBS when there was problems with the encoding.

我正在尝试将MSSQL数据库迁移到MySQL。使用MySQL Workbench我移动了架构和数据,但转换字符编码时出现问题。在迁移过程中,当编码出现问题时,我将工具放入BLOBS。

I believe I've confirmed that the data that is now in MySQL is *latin1_swedish_ci*. To simplify the problem I'm looking at ® symbols in one of the columns.

我相信我已经确认现在MySQL中的数据是* latin1_swedish_ci *。为了简化问题,我正在查看其中一列中的®符号。

I wanted to convert the BLOBS to VARCHAR or TEXT with UTF8 encoding. I'm running this SQL command on one of the columns:


ALTER TABLEbookdetailsMODIFYBookNameVARCHAR(50) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

ALTER TABLEbookdetailsMODIFYBookNameVARCHAR(50)CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

Instead of converting the ® it is just removing them which is not what I want. What am I doing wrong? Not that reading half the internet trying to find a solution isn't fun but 3 days in and I think my eyes are about to give out.


1 个解决方案



MySQL workbench has a UI that is relatively simple to nav. If you need to change the collation of the tables or schemas, you can right click them on the Object Browser and go to alter table, or alter schema there you can change the data types, and set the collation to whatever you want.

MySQL工作台的UI具有相对简单的导航功能。如果需要更改表或模式的排序规则,可以在对象浏览器上右键单击它们并转到alter table,或者在那里更改模式,您可以更改数据类型,并将排序规则设置为您想要的任何值。


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