I have a few linked tables in my custom forum: categories, sub_categories and posts


basically, I have people able to add up to three categories and five sub-categories when they make a new post.


I also enable people to 'listen' to certain categories and sub-categories and have them in an easy to access bar at the side of the page.


My tables are set up thus (only showing relavent fields for ease):




id              INT
category_id     VARCHAR(12)
sub_category_id VARCHAR(35)



id      INT
name    VARCHAR(20)


- 行业标准:

id      INT
name    VARCHAR(20)

in my posts table, I store the set categories and sub-categories by their ID in the following format:


category_id     [2][4][8]
sub_category_id [1][2][3][4][5]

thus enabling me to execute the following query in PHP and get the post based on category and sub-category:


SELECT * FROM posts WHERE category_id LIKE '%[{$id}]%' AND sub_category_id LIKE '%[{$id2}]%'

the problem I have is selecting the sub_categories for the access bar that people 'listen' to...

我遇到的问题是为人们'听'的访问栏选择sub_categories ...

$sql = "SELECT title, id FROM categories";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
$list = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){
    $list[$row['title']] = array();
    $sql = "SELECT sub_categories.title FROM sub_categories, posts WHERE (category_id LIKE '%[{$row['id']}]%') AND (????) LIMIT 0,100";
    $query = mysql_query($sql);
    while($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){
        $list[$row['title']][] = $result['title'];

Obviously you can see where I am stuck (????), but before I explain what I am trying to do, I'll explain what the output I am looking for is.


when I print the $list array, I want it to print a multi-dimensional array featuring the categories as the first key, with their values being an array of sub-categories that have been tagged in the main category.

当我打印$ list数组时,我希望它打印一个以类别为第一个键的多维数组,其值是一个已在主类别中标记的子类别数组。

The problem I have is that in my sub_category_id field on the post table, remember the values are stored in the format [1][2][3] and I need to check the value against the subcategory field id.

我遇到的问题是在post表的sub_category_id字段中,记住值以[1] [2] [3]的格式存储,我需要根据子类别字段id检查值。

I have tried the following:


"SELECT sub_categories.title FROM sub_categories, posts WHERE (category_id LIKE '%[{$row['id']}]%') AND (sub_category_id LIKE '%[sub_categories.id]%') LIMIT 0,100"

But it didn't work. I don't know whether there is an error in my query or whether it even SHOULD work, but I would be grateful if anyone could tell me how to do it or where I am going wrong in my code!


NB. I am trying to find which sub_categories appear in which categories based on people tagging them in a post together.


1 个解决方案



You're facing problems because you're not aware about few concepts in database...


In your case, you want to create associations called "many-to-many". It means that a category can be used in many post and a post can be represented by many category.


To translate that into a "SQL" world, you have to create an intermediate table.


this table will store both identifier of the two tables.


for exemple:


|  categorisation |
|    post_id      |  => is the link to posts
|   category_id   |  => is the link to categories

When you create a new post, you create a new object in the table post. But you also create N records in the table categorisation.


When you want to retrieve which categories applied to this post, you can do a query like that:


SELECT post.id, post.name 
FROM post 
INNER JOIN categorisation on (post.id = categorisation.post_id)
INNER JOIN category ON (categorisation.category_id = category.id)

I think you need to read some articles on the web about database before progressing in you project ;)



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