I'm receiving from socket A and writing that to socket B on the fly (like a proxy server might). I would like to inspect and possibly modify data passing through. My question is how to handle border cases, ie where the regular expression I'm searching for would match between two successive socket A read and socket B write iterations.


char buffer[4096]
int socket_A, socket_B

/* Setting up the connection goes here */

for(;;) {

    recv(socket_A, buffer, 4096, 0);

    /* Inspect, and possibly modify buffer */

    send(socket_B, buffer, 4096, 0);

    /* Oops, the matches I was looking for were at the end of buffer,
     * and will be at the beginning of buffer next iteration :( */


6 个解决方案


My suggestion: have two buffers, and rotate between them:


  1. Recv buffer 1
  2. Recv缓冲区1

  3. Recv buffer 2
  4. Recv缓冲区2

  5. Process.
  6. Send buffer 1
  7. 发送缓冲区1

  8. Recv buffer 1
  9. Recv缓冲区1

  10. Process, but with buffer 2 before buffer 1.
  11. 处理,但在缓冲区1之前使用缓冲区2。

  12. Send buffer 2
  13. 发送缓冲区2

  14. Goto 2.

Or something like that?



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  5. Java IO流系列(四)—— 从字节流及其缓冲区到转换流
  6. Java的Grizzly为缓冲区占用了大量内存?


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