Imagine the hypothetical case of a custom arbitrary precision integer type that must run as fast as possible, being fully portable at the same time. To achieve this goal, we need to use the larger and faster (unsigned) integer type available for a given platform.


It must be the larger because this way we will process maximum number of bits per cycle.


It must be the faster because on some platforms there are available larger integer types but with only a subset of integer operations over them (for example, in x86, 128 bit integers doesn't allow to do a one-instruction add-with-carry operation).

它必须更快,因为在某些平台上有可用的更大的整数类型但只有整数运算的子集(例如,在x86中,128位整数不允许执行单指令加载 - 携带操作)。

What is the best and most portable way to obtain the larger and faster integer type on every platform that has a C99 standard compiler (if it is possible at all)?


1 个解决方案



What is the best and most portable way to obtain the larger and faster integer type on every platform that has a C99 standard compiler?


Compile a test program with all candidate types, run it, time it, select the fastest and then compile your application.


In other words, finding the fastest type is done at configure-time, not at compile-time. This has the additional benefit of using the fastest type even if the implementation lies about it in stdint.h.



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