I faced some strange behavior of the AssertEquals() in a Django unit test (Python 3.4). The following test results in an assertion error like this:

在Django单元测试(Python 3.4)中,我遇到了AssertEquals()的一些奇怪行为。下面的测试会导致这样的断言错误:

line 113, in test_index_view_with_questions_without_choices self.assertEqual(response.context['lastest_question_list'], []) AssertionError: [] != []

第113行,在test_index_view_with_questions_without_choices self.assertEqual(response)中。上下文['lastest_question_list'], []) AssertionError: [] != []

Here's the test itself:


def test_index_view_with_questions_without_choices(self):
    If a question has no choices it should not be
    displayed on the questions index page no matter if it's
    a past or a future question.
    create_question_with_no_choices(question_text='no choices q1', days=-5)
    create_question_with_no_choices(question_text='no choices q2', days=5)
    response = self.client.get(reverse('polls:index'))
    self.assertContains(response, 'No polls are available.', status_code=200)
    self.assertEqual(response.context['lastest_question_list'], [])

Changing last line like so:


self.assertEqual(len(response.context['lastest_question_list']), 0)

makes the test working properly but I can't get the reason it refuses to work with the list itself.


I also have a very similar test in the same app and project and it works just fine:


def test_index_view_with_no_questions(self):
    If no questions exist, an appropriate message 
    should be displayed.
    response = self.client.get(reverse('polls:index'))
    self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
    self.assertContains(response, 'No polls are available.')
    self.assertQuerysetEqual(response.context['lastest_question_list'], [])

Here's the view itself to show how the Queryset defined:


class IndexView(generic.ListView):
    template_name = 'polls/index.html'
    context_object_name = 'lastest_question_list'

    def get_queryset(self):
        Returns last five published questions
        (not including those set to be published in the future)
        Also excludes the questions with an empty choice_set.
        qset = Question.objects.annotate(choices_count=Count('choice'))
        qset = qset.filter(choices_count__gte=1, pub_date__lte=timezone.now())
        qset = qset.order_by('-pub_date')[:5]

        return qset

P.S.: I found a similar issue described HERE, but I'm still confused of what is actually causing such a behavior. Even though I know how to make the test working in this particular example it still important for me to understand what's going on. :)


1 个解决方案



First off, as I suspect and you inspected, response.context['latest_question_list'] is a queryset, so you couldn't directly compare queryset object with list object.


Also, assertQuerysetEqual is documented in django doc, quoting here:

此外,assertQuerysetEqual在django doc中有记录,这里引用:

TransactionTestCase.assertQuerysetEqual(qs, values, transform=repr, ordered=True, msg=None)

TransactionTestCase。assertQuerysetEqual(qs, values, transform=repr, ordered=True, msg=None)

The comparison of the contents of qs and values is performed using the function transform; by default, this means that the repr() of each value is compared. Any other callable can be used if repr() doesn’t provide a unique or helpful comparison.


You can see that the assertQuerysetEqual is comparing each value in the queryset with the list you provided, so it will loop through the whole thing and compare each one. That's why it would pass the test but fails assertEqual.



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