On the project I am joining this is the architecture for the node_packages:


|- Django project
|-- app1
|-- app2
|-- node_modules
|--- foundation-sites
|--- grunt
|-- static
|--- css
|--- images
|--- js

I personally think node_packages should be in the static under the js folder as well as the package.json like so:


|- Django project
|-- app1
|-- app2
|-- static
|--- css
|--- images
|--- js
|---- node_modules
|----- foundation-sites
|----- grunt
|---- packages.json

is there a difference? which is best practice? why?


3 个解决方案



I understand your thinking of wanting to keep all the javascript related files in one place, but here are a couple of reasons you might want to keep the node_modules folder and the package.json file out of a Django app's static directory.


  1. You'll likely end up statically serving files that aren't meant to be. If the node_modules folder exists in your production environment, running collectstatic will have to check that it's in sync every time, which can be slow due to nodes nested dependency structure. And assuming you have a build step to bundle and transpile your JS, if those source files are within static, they too will be served as static files, for no reason.
  2. 最后,您可能会静态地处理不应该是的文件。如果node_modules文件夹存在于您的生产环境中,那么运行collectstatic将不得不每次检查它是否处于同步状态,这可能会由于节点嵌套依赖结构而导致速度缓慢。假设您有一个构建步骤来捆绑和传输您的JS,如果这些源文件在静态文件中,它们也将毫无理由地作为静态文件使用。
  3. You might want to use node for more than just your JavaScript build process. I see you're using Grunt, and you may want to use it to for more than your JavaScript needs, like minifying your css, or running a proxy server around your Django dev server that auto-reloads your browser when files change or the Django server restarts. With this in mind, it might make more sense to think of Node.js as a tool in your build process that could touch any part of your project, the bundling/transpiling of JavaScript being only one part of that.
  4. 您可能想要使用node而不仅仅是JavaScript构建过程。我看到您在使用Grunt,您可能想要使用它来满足您的JavaScript需求,比如缩小您的css,或者在Django dev服务器上运行一个代理服务器,当文件更改或Django服务器重启时自动重新加载您的浏览器。考虑到这一点,考虑Node可能更有意义。js作为构建过程中可以触及项目任何部分的工具,JavaScript的打包/转换只是其中的一部分。


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