I wish to plot a scatter plot with no facecolors but with different edgecolors. In other words, colorful circles.


I thought I could easily found solution in matplotlib gallery but surprisingly I couldn't. Parameter "edgecolors" does not accept array as values. And manipulate parameter 'c' won't help with edgecolors but facecolors.


Here is a link that I thought would be the solution: https://matplotlib.org/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter.html


The demo picture at the end of the page seems to have colorful edgecolors! Then I download the script and run it:


The edge is still black.


I am now doing my plot other ways. (since this is not a big matter. This is only a question of interest.) I just wonder how did the demo get the colorful edges.


1 个解决方案



As others have said the way that the demo script got the colourful edges is that matplotlib 2.0 automatically sets the edge colour of the points in the scatter plot to the provided colour argument.

正如其他人说的那样,演示脚本得到了丰富多彩的边缘,matplotlib 2.0自动设置了散点图中的点的边缘颜色,以提供颜色参数。

If, however, you want to recreate the results of the demo script without updating to mpl 2.0 (though I recommend it) you only need to add an additional keyword parameter to the scatter line as follows

但是,如果您想要在不更新mpl 2.0的情况下重新创建演示脚本的结果(尽管我推荐它),您只需要向散点行添加一个额外的关键字参数,如下所示。

plt.scatter(x, y, s=area, c=colors, alpha=0.5, edgecolors=colors)

And for the sake of completeness you can implement the colourful circle idea that you originally had by faking it. You only need to change the internal colour to white, i.e.


plt.scatter(x, y, s=area, c='w', alpha=0.5, edgecolors=colors)

Additionally, you can't use a single float to define the colour for edgecolors as they are doing for the 'c' argument in the demo script so you either need to supply an array of length N that are all specified colours, e.g. ['r', 'g', 'b'], or replace the definition of the colours with

此外,您不能使用一个浮动edgecolors的颜色定义为他们所做的“c”论点的演示脚本,所以你需要提供一个数组的长度N所有指定的颜色,例如[‘r’,‘g’,' b '],或更换颜色的定义

colors = np.random.random((N, p))

where p is either 3 or 4 depending if you want RGB or RGBA colours in the plot. This should produce something like the following plot



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