I am trying to write multiple sheets into one workbook and I'm using pyexcelerate to utilize it's optimized writing time.


Here's my current code to write to a workbook:


def df_to_excel(df, path, sheet_name='Sheet 1'):
    data = [df.columns.tolist(), ] + df.values.tolist()
    wb = Workbook()
    wb.new_sheet(sheet_name, data=data)

now this works perfectly fine if i only need one sheet; however, if i write in multiple sheet, only the last sheet will be kept (all sheets generated before will be replaced).


I want to keep all the sheets (with diff names ofc), and I looked into their github page, but I cannot find info on such capability: https://github.com/kz26/PyExcelerate


I also looked into a few other stackoverflow posts but they are using different packages:


  1. Writing resutls into 2 different sheets in the same Excel file
  2. 在同一个Excel文件中将resutls写入2个不同的工作表
  3. xlwt create dynamic number of worksheets based on input
  4. xlwt根据输入创建动态数量的工作表
  5. creating multiple excel worksheets using data in a pandas dataframe
  6. 使用pandas数据框中的数据创建多个excel工作表

any help is appreciated!


1 个解决方案



If you want to save different variable in different sheet of one excel file faster and also want header and index of the pandas.dataframe in the excel file. You can do something as follows,


    import timeit
    from pyexcelerate import Workbook

    def to_Excel(data, fileName):
        start_time = timeit.default_timer()
        wb = Workbook()
        for key in data.keys():
            ws = wb.new_sheet(key)
            frame = data[key]
            frame = frame.transpose()
            frame.reset_index(level=0, inplace = True)
            frame = frame.transpose()
            frame.reset_index(level=0, inplace = True)
            row_num = frame.shape[0]    
            col_num = 1
            for col_name, col_series in frame.iteritems():
                ws.range((1,col_num), (row_num,col_num)).value = [[x] for x in col_series]
                col_num += 1       
        end_time = timeit.default_timer()
        delta = round(end_time-start_time,2)
        print("Took "+str(delta)+" secs")

'data' is a dictionary variable. The 'key' of 'data' works as 'sheet name' and data type of each key value should be in pandas dataframe.

'data'是一个字典变量。 'data'的'key'作为'sheet name',每个键值的数据类型应该在pandas数据帧中。


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