I want to write data that I have to create a histogram into a csv file. I have my 'bins' list and I have my 'frequencies' list. Can someone give me some help to write them into a csv in their respective columns?


ie bins in the first column and frequency in the second column


3 个解决方案



This example uses izip (instead of zip) to avoid creating a new list and having to keep it in the memory. It also makes use of Python's built in csv module, which ensures proper escaping. As an added bonus it also avoids using any loops, so the code is short and concise.


import csv
from itertools import izip

with open('some.csv', 'wb') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)
    writer.writerows(izip(bins, frequencies))

Note that in Python 3.0 and later, you don't need izip anymore—the builtin zip now does what izip used to do.

请注意,在Python 3.0及更高版本中,您不再需要izip - 内置zip现在可以执行izip以前的操作。


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