I am trying to create a simple file selection dialog for one of my scripts and I was trying to use the code examples from this thread: Quick and easy file dialog in Python?


import Tkinter, tkFileDialog

root = Tkinter.Tk()

file_path = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()

I also tried using the easygui module that uses Tkinter to do the same thing. In both cases, the code above hangs the IPython console. I gather that this has something to do with event loops, but I have no real experience with GUIs in Python.


Could someone point me in the right direction on how to get a dialogbox for file selection to work with IPython/Spyder. For the record, I am on Python 2.7.6 and IPython 2.4.1

有人能指出我如何获得一个文件选择对话框以与IPython / Spyder一起工作的正确方向。为了记录,我使用的是Python 2.7.6和IPython 2.4.1

1 个解决方案


Before running the code above, you need to set the right event loop (in this case Tk), as you correctly guessed.


To do that you need to run this command:


In [1]: %gui tk

and then run your code.


Note: To access the documentation about the %gui magic in Spyder, you need to place the cursor in front of %gui and press Ctrl+I, like this

注意:要访问有关Spyder中%gui magic的文档,您需要将光标放在%gui前面并按Ctrl + I,就像这样

In [1]: %gui<Ctrl+I>


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