I created this function in Python 2.7 with ipython:

我使用ipython在Python 2.7中创建了这个函数:

def _(v):
    return v

later if I call _(somevalue), I get _ = somevalue.

后来如果我调用_(somevalue),我得到_ = somevalue。

in[3]: _(3)
out[3]: 3
in[4]: print _
out[4]: 3

The function has disappeared! If I call _(4) I get:


TypeError: 'int' object is not callable`

Why? What's wrong with this function?


3 个解决方案



The Python interpreter assigns the last expression value to _.


This behaviour is limited to the REPL interpreter only, and is intended to assist in interactive coding sessions:


>>> import math
>>> math.pow(3.0, 5)
>>> result = _
>>> result

The standard Python interpreter goes to some length to not trample on user-defined values though; if you yourself assign something else to _ then the interpreter will not overwrite that (technically speaking, the _ variable is a __builtin__ attribute, your own assignments are 'regular' globals). You are not using the standard Python interpreter though; you are using IPython, and that interpreter is not that careful.


IPython documents this behaviour explicitly:


The following GLOBAL variables always exist (so don’t overwrite them!):


  • [_] (a single underscore) : stores previous output, like Python’s default interpreter.
  • [_](单个下划线):存储以前的输出,如Python的默认解释器。



Outside of the Python interpreter, _ is by convention used as the name of the translatable text function (see the gettext module; external tools look for that function to extract translatable strings).


In loops, using _ as an assignment target tells readers of your code that you are going to ignore that value; e.g. [random.random() for _ in range(5)] to generate a list of 5 random float values.

在循环中,使用_作为赋值目标告诉读者您的代码将忽略该值;例如[random_random()for _ in range(5)]生成5个随机浮点值的列表。


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